English language arts
Edexcel English Language A level Paper 1 A Feedback proforma
Feedback proforma used to assess Individual Variation mock exam- Edexcel English Language A Level.
Targets highlighted on left and strengths and weaknesses related to A0s on left.
A Level English Language trackers for Paper 1 Paper 2 and Paper 3 set to 2018 grade boundaries.
Excel spreadsheet ready to use with 2018 grade boundaries. This was used throughout Year 12 as coursework module is Y13.
Romeo and Juliet Act2 -2 for LA KS3
Lesson (perhaps 2) focusing on Act 2:2 with LA students. A variety of activities to increase confidence with Shakesperian language.
English Language AQA Paper 2 prep- Harry and Meghan presentation.
An exam walk through looking at the presentation of The Royals in the media. This really engaged my KS4 classes.